Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Argumentation-Persusasion ( Legalize Marijuana) Essay

Argumentation-Persusasion ( Legalize Marijuana) - Essay Example Moreover, the other two most popular drugs in US, tobacco and alcohol, are legal and they protest that marijuana should also be made legal (Morgan 2011). The arguments on the legalization of marijuana are quite vast and diverse and cover various aspects encompassing medical, economic, legal and social aspects. In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act was first signed by President Roosevelt as a federal law and became effective in October. According to the federal state laws, any person in possession of marijuana for the first time has to pay a fine of amount $1,000 along with imprisonment of one year. Possession for another time can cost the offender being sent to prison for up to three years. The cultivation or business in marijuana sale can lead to severe punishments which include life-time imprisonment and a very huge amount of fine (Morgan 2011). The supporters of marijuana legalization put forward the US budget crisis to support their arguments. Marijuana legislation will save 41.3 billion dollars spent on arrests and jail imprisonment every year. This economic aspect is significant as estimates of 750,000 people are arrested each year because of possession or sale of marijuana. Other savings will include the payments to judges, court trials, juries and other legal formalities. With the curren t debt of thirteen trillion dollars, US can benefit from the legalization of Marijuana (Turnlund 2011). Another point highlighted is, the tax on the sale of marijuana sale, which can produce billions of money in the yearly revenue. With this money, the government can spend this amount on improving other more significant areas (Morgan 2011). The opponents of marijuana resist the legalization of marijuana by claiming that if marijuana is legalized, it would lead to emergence of new users who had up till now resisted the temptation because of the law enforcements. Another issue is that marijuana

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